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SSL on GitHub Pages with CloudFlare

Implementing SSL on GitHub Pages hosted sites.



Multiple Checkouts With Git Worktree

Manage multiple Git checkouts with the worktree command

HTML5 Developer Support and Challenges Conference Talk

On 3rd July 2015, I gave a conference talk, along with Andrea Fassina at the ARM’s Embedded HTML5 Workshop at DTG in Vauxhall, London.

Thoughts on the State of Smart Watches

With the Apple Watch now in the wild and the Android Wear and Pebble platforms maturing, the market for wearable technology is getting interesting. The big question is, are these devices ready for prime time?

The Case Against IE Specific Stylesheets

In all but the most basic of web site designs developers will invariably encounter situations where Internet Explorer requires a good kick in the CSS before it’ll render the page in the desired way. Often, a quick fix is applied in the shape of an IE specific external stylesheet, hidden from other browsers with conditional comments:

In Defense of IE6

Hang on a moment, just double checking that title! Internet Explorer 6? Defence?

HMV: "Don't make large orders"!

HMV’s recent sale has had some great offers on albums from £2.99! I decided to take advantage, making an order for a total of 7 CDs from their web site.

CSS 3 RGBa Colour Support

Developers have long been using PNGs to create semi-transparent backgrounds showing content through from underneath. There are, however, a number of disadvantages to this technique. It causes another HTTP request to the server, sometimes causing the page to be, momentarily, unreadable if the background colour does not work well with the text colour and, of course, IE6’s lack of native support for semi-transparency in PNG24 or PNG8.

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